Looking into eyes

Lately I have met a person. Haven’t seen her for ages. I looked at her. As she was wearing mask, these were only her eyes that talked. That was an extraordinary moment. I was stunned by how much you can read in those eyes. I have always been looking into...

What wakes you up?

Have you ever felt like you are on autopilot, like numb, like a robot, avoiding even the real eye contact, living most of your day in a way that the interactions with others become like mechanical transactions? We can see and hear but we are blind and deaf. We lose...

Do you tell them what they bring to your world?

There are moments when we have the thought that somebody is important to us, that he or she makes a difference in our life, that we are grateful to him, her, them. And this thought stays only with us. We keep it only for ourselves. It remains unspoken. How often...

Why ‘Becoming’?

‘Becoming’ is a huge and magic word. It resonates with us. It implies learning, change, and evolution. It takes time, desire, and courage. And it needs a certain context to happen. It happens only if we are ready enough, and only if we choose it. What does it take to...